The latest news and insights on coding and the tech industry
Recruitment and Hiring
On finding work during lockdown
Northcoders graduate Jodi shares some fantastic tips for job-seekers, including creating a diverse coding portfolio, using LinkedIn to share your projects and how your non-tech background could be an asset for employers
Jodi Dublon
Bootcamp Life
Safety on Campus: How We're Keeping You Safe
The safety of our students, team members and visitors is our priority. So here are some of the changes we've made to keep you safe while you're on our campuses.
Jonny Rathbone
Head of Software Development
Get your website ready for social media sharing with meta tags
If you've created a website, the chances are you want it to be shared. Perhaps it's your portfolio website, or perhaps it's a project you've been working on – whatever it is, you want to make sure that when it's shared on social media, it's displayed correctly.
Ruth Ng
Head of Sales & Marketing
An update from our CEO: What's next? Helping our graduates find work
This is a message from Chris Hill, CEO of Northcoders. He explores what's next for Northcoders, and how we're helping our graduates find work.
Chris Hill
Chief Executive Officer
Job Hunting Tips For Bootcamp Graduates? Recent Graduate Judit Weighs In
I have been asked to write about my experience of looking for a job as a fresh coding bootcamp graduate in the times of coronavirus and lockdown. I was told that other graduates might be lacking confidence and telling about my tips and tricks might help them.
Judit Lehoczki
20 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health During Lockdown
The outbreak of COVID-19 is a hugely challenging time for looking after our mental health. During Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share some of the ideas that have helped our team take care of their mental health, and that of others.
The DevIncubator: My First Dev Role After Northcoders
This is a blog post about my 5 months role at Northcoders on “The IDOL Project”. It’s also a love letter to future Northcoders, and describes what your first rolemightbe like after graduating.
Phil Valentino
Software Developer, The IDOL
Interviewing And Onboarding Remotely To My Very First Software Developer Job
I am one of those fortunate junior developers who found their first job remotely two weeks after graduating from a coding bootcamp. (Thanks Northcoders!)
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Outbreak - Northcoders Updates
Our top priority at Northcoders will always be the health and wellbeing of our staff and students. In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we have taken steps to ensure that everyone is safe, and to prevent further spread of the virus.
Sam Caine
Chief Operating Officer