The latest news and insights on coding and the tech industry
Northcoders Discuss: What Ethical Obligations Do We Have As Developers?
In the midst of yet another tech scandal, there has been a lot of talk on the Northcoders campus this week of what had got wrong at Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. And that got us thinking about our own ethical obligations.
Ruth Ng
Head of Sales & Marketing
What's All The Fuss About Vue.JS?
Heard of Angular? React? Then very, very soon (if not already) you will start hearing about Vue.js everywhere.
Recruitment and Hiring
A Note For Our Hiring Partners
It is sad that we should have to say this. To be clear to our hiring partners, present and future, we will never approach your staff.
Amul Batra
Tech Education
Helping Women Returning To Work After A Career Break: My Tech Returners Experience in 3 Words
Returning to working life after having children or taking a career break is not always easy for everyone, partly because companies are not able to accommodate the flexibility a parent would need.
Kavita Varsani
Bootcamp Life
5 Things I Learned During Project Phase at Northcoders
When I was 15 or so, my high school sent us all on one of those character-building outdoor holidays.
Sally Hale
Anat's Experience: Learning React with Northcoders
After an intense week of DOM manipulation, I'm now on Week 9 at Northcoders' Coding Bootcamp - and that only meant one thing: React!
Anat Dean
Coding Bootcamps: Why Entry Standards Matter
If you’re here, you’re probably in the process of brainstorming whether you should take the plunge and embrace a future as a Software Developer by applying for a coding bootcamp. That’s exciting! There’s never been a better time to pursue a career in tech.
Cohort 7 have graduated!
As cohort after cohort pass through Northcoders, we see our numbers grow.
Sam Shorter
The NC Community scholarship: An interview with Aaron Omotosho
We are big believers in diversity and inclusion here at Northcoders; we think that everyone should be able to pursue a creative, rewarding and fulfilling career no matter what their background.