Team DurocpresentMedia Tracker

Media Tracker Demo Video
Remember that movie?
Media Tracker is a full stack app which allows users to track their movie watching habits. Features include the following:
Search for movies by title
Add movie to bookmarked category
Add movie to watched category with rating, private notes
View movies which are watched and bookmarked
Move films between watched and bookmarked
Login with a google account
Track and see stats for watched movies such as watch time and a piechart of genres
The Team
Sean Winston
Zoltan Kepes
Daniela-Stefana Ciocan
Shamar Woodbyrne

We used: IntelliJ, Android Studio, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Hibernate, AnyChart, Glide, Retrofit, TMDB api
We wanted to build upon what we had previously learned whilst also exploring new technologies. At the same time we wanted to expand on the stack with technologies we thought were most appropriate for the application we had envisioned.
Challenges Faced
Communication between frontend and backend team
Scope of project was too big, we realised a bit late