Team Kune KunepresentPiglioTech

Pigliotech Demo Video
The Book Swapping App
PiglioTech is an app that lets users display their own personal libraries of books they own, and arrange trades with other people in their area to exchange books. Barcode scanning is used to quickly add books to a user's library via ISBN, and users can browse other users' libraries within their region to see what books are available.
One of our team members suggested the idea during our initial brainstorming session, and we quickly picked it as a unique and promising idea to develop.
The Team
Jackson Rhoden
Kadri Klampe
Tawanda Chabva-Shoperai
Joel Cohen
Peter Butcher

We used: Spring boot and Android, Neon, GitHub Actions, Render, ML Kit Barcode Scanner, WebFlux
Spring and Android were chosen as they were focuses of the course. The other services and technologies were picked up as required, with a focus on which ones could be more easily integrated so that we had more time to work on the project itself.
Challenges Faced
The main challenges were time, and keeping ourselves organised. We gained a lot of experience using modern technologies and approaches (like GitHub projects, and Agile) in order to best arrange our efforts to get the project done and delivered within the allotted time.