Team Hampshire
presentAero Atlas

AeroAtlas Demo Video

AeroAtlas Demo Video

Discover Your Dream Destination

The idea for Aero Atlas came from our individual experiences and shared joy for travelling.
It was quickly established that a common frustration between us was efficiently finding the most cost-effective flights. Multiple tabs open on a web browser, and constantly having to switch back and forth meant our user experience when booking flights was both poor and exhausting. Aero Atlas was made to solve this problem, to become a hub where users can easily search for their ideal flights through a user-friendly mobile application experience.

The Team

  • Kofoworola OgunleyePreview: Kofoworola Ogunleye

    Kofoworola Ogunleye

  • Kye YeePreview: Kye Yee

    Kye Yee

  • Vinay PatelPreview: Vinay Patel

    Vinay Patel

  • Valdis BeikmanisPreview: Valdis Beikmanis

    Valdis Beikmanis

  • Will AmmarPreview: Will Ammar

    Will Ammar


Technologies section imagePreview: Technologies section image

We used: Java, Android Studio, Glide, Spring, Firebase, Amadeus API, PSQL, Hibernate, XML, Postman, Intellij

These technologies were chosen as they were the most appropriate for the task we were trying to accomplish.

Challenges Faced

Amongst the trickier tasks encountered whilst designing this application was implementing Amadeus API into our backend to receive flight information that could be displayed to users. Additionally, utilising Firebase for security and building this into our frontend application presented a unique challenge.