Team Mob21presentBuddy

Buddy Demo Video
Your Personal Plant Care Assistant
Buddy is a mobile application designed to assist users in managing and caring for their plants. With Buddy, you can easily track your plants' watering schedules, log detailed care information, and maintain a journal of their growth—all in one place. We chose this idea as we were interested in the variety of features involved.
The Team

Tech Stack: Front-end: React Native felt like a natural choice given its built in libraries and framework to support mobile development. Routing allows a user to navigate across each tab We were able to take advantage of its modularity for making components and for ease of parallel development. We felt react native and expo would allow for the best user experience through the app. We were able to take advantage and account for the different ways a user may choose to navigate through their garden and how users might choose to interact with buttons and screens dynamically through the app. With expo used within our react development we could easily see the visual changes of our app and we’re able to handle errors more efficiently. Back-end: Javascript - programming language for utils functions Node.js - runtime environment Express.js - framework for building our RESTful API, which was based on a real API from Perenual which had detailed information on a large quantity of plants. We chose MongoDB to manage our database structure due to it’s flexibility and ability to create deeply nested structures. We felt this would be a benefit for our database given how we were aiming to store users' plant information. We also designed the data structure around scalability so that more plants can easily be added to the database.
Challenges Faced
Learning new tech like mongodb, and react native on front end.