Team Pub Friday Question MarkpresentchatPFQ

chatPFQ Demo Video
A versatile real-time chat app with integrated Machine Learning models.
chatPFQ is a sophisticated communication platform that leverages advanced technologies to provide seamless real-time messaging and insightful analytics. Developed using React Native for the mobile application and React for the web application, chatPFQ ensures a smooth and consistent user experience across all devices. The backend infrastructure is powered by an Express.js and Socket.IO server, with integrated machine learning models, facilitating real-time communication between users.
The Team
Matt Johnston
Liam Houghton
Barry James
Jake Slattery

We used: React, React Native, JavaScript, Express.js, Socket.IO, Wink, MongoDB, CSS, BCrypt, faker.js, Chart.js, Axios, Jest, Node, Vite, HTML, Expo and Natural.js
They're all relevant, modern and sought-after technologies.
Challenges Faced
We didn't run into any overwhelming issues during our time on this project, our planning set us up with a clear and achievable roadmap and for the most part, we executed it extremely well. We were thorough with our testing and development environments, so any time we did run into an issue we were quickly able to identify the root cause.