Team GymiepresentGymie

Team Gymie Demo Video
Gymie yourself
This is an app that allows a user to track their progress in the gym, find workouts made by other users to complete and post their workout sessions for everyone to see. We came up with it after a couple of us realised that their was no strava-equivalent to the gym.
The Team
Jacob Garner
Will Price
Tom West
Harry Daniels

We used: Next.js, Prisma, Chart.js, Node, PSQL, Jest, Tailwind
After searching for technologies, we decided that Next and Prisma were most convenient for our app. We wanted to use software that was new to us but still fairly easy to pick up based on our previous knowledge.
Challenges Faced
Yes, one of our group members had to abruptly leave the cohort after the planning for our project was completed. This meant we had to go back and adjust our ideas and MVP to work for the remaining members.