Team Code Ninjas

The Best Business Simulator for Young People

Limoney is the ultimate game app for young entrepreneurs aged 10 to 14, eager to learn about business and finance through a fun and interactive experience. It transforms the traditional lemonade stand into an engaging learning platform, allowing users to manage inventory, make strategic investments and enhance their business operations.

Designed to teach essential skills like budgeting and money management in a playful and educational way, Limoney addresses the gap in traditional education where these crucial skills are often overlooked. We created Limoney to ensure children develop these vital abilities early on.

The Team

  • David ChungPreview: David Chung

    David Chung

  • Emma CliffPreview: Emma Cliff

    Emma Cliff

  • João PontePreview: João Ponte

    João Ponte

  • Luka ElizbarashviliPreview: Luka Elizbarashvili

    Luka Elizbarashvili

  • Zaira NuovoPreview: Zaira Nuovo

    Zaira Nuovo


React Native, Expo, Firebase, FirestorePreview: React Native, Expo, Firebase, Firestore

We utilised React Native and Expo for cross-platform mobile development, Firebase for back-end services including Firestore for real-time database management and the Context API for state management. Additionally, we incorporated async storage and NetInfo to handle offline data and monitor network status.

We chose these technologies for their robust capabilities and seamless integration. React Native and Expo offered a streamlined development process for both iOS and Android platforms. Firebase's Firestore provided a reliable solution for real-time data synchronisation and secure user authentication. The Context API allowed us to efficiently manage user data and session states, while async storage and NetInfo ensured that users experienced minimal disruptions, even when connectivity was inconsistent.

Challenges Faced

In just three weeks, we immersed ourselves in a new tech stack, including React Native and Firebase, rapidly gaining proficiency. Utilising Agile methodologies, such as regular stand-ups and sprint planning sessions, along with a Kanban board for task management, we ensured smooth progress and clear communication. While we had prior experience with GitHub, our teamwork allowed us to refine our skills in merging changes and managing branches effectively. This collective effort, combined with Agile practices, enhanced our abilities in conflict tracking and resolution, ultimately leading us to thrive in the collaborative environment.