Team Jonquil
presentMake My Day

Make My Day Demo Video

Make My Day Demo Video

Discover your perfect day with events, activities, and dining recommendations in London!

The "Make My Day" app was born from the desire to help users create the perfect day by combining personalised activity recommendations with dining options. The idea stemmed from the challenges people face when searching for activities or restaurants in a bustling city like London. We aimed to simplify the process by integrating event data, restaurant and venue recommendations from Ticketmaster, Skiddle, Geoapify and Google Places to create a complete, user-friendly itinerary.

The Team

  • Despina Ait-AmerPreview: Despina Ait-Amer

    Despina Ait-Amer

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Amanda Alves

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Cevdet Köse

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Dom Marshall

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Rachel Jaisey

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Fabio Pulvirenti


Spring Boot, Spring Security, ,PostgreSQL, JWT, OkHttp ValidationPreview: Spring Boot, Spring Security, ,PostgreSQL, JWT, OkHttp Validation

We used: Java 21 Spring Boot Spring Security Spring Web PostgreSQL JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Jackson GSON OkHttp Validation

Java 21: Offers the latest features and stability for backend development.
Spring Boot: Provides rapid setup and dependency management for REST APIs.
Spring Security & JWT: Secure user authentication and authorisation using modern token-based security.
PostgreSQL: A robust relational database for efficient data storage.
Jackson & GSON: Handle JSON data serialisation/deserialisation.
OkHttp: Simplifies external API communication.
Validation: Ensures input data integrity across endpoints

Challenges Faced

Finding APIs that were free to use
Working effectively as a team (at the start)
Resolving merge conflicts during pull requests
Finishing the project on time