Team My Plants
presentMy Plants App

My Plants App Demo Video

My Plants App Demo Video

A place for all your plants.

My Plant App is a mobile application designed for plant enthusiasts, providing a seamless experience from plant identification to personalised care. A place where novice and botanists alike, can keep track of their real plants and schedule push notifications for when plants need to be watered. This app allows users to easily identify plants by simply taking a picture or searching by name. Once identified, users can add the plant to their personal collection, unlocking an in-depth care plan specific for that plant type.
The app’s detailed care plans offer step-by-step guidance on watering, sunlight and pruning ensuring each plant thrives in its environment.

Inspired by the group's experience with houseplants and the need for assistance in plant care!

The Team

  • Olivia GuestPreview: Olivia Guest

    Olivia Guest

  • Rory O'DonnellPreview: Rory O'Donnell

    Rory O'Donnell

  • Will FossardPreview: Will Fossard

    Will Fossard

  • Ahmad Yousufi Preview: Ahmad Yousufi

    Ahmad Yousufi


React Native, Expo, MongoDb, Lottie Files, LordiconPreview: React Native, Expo, MongoDb, Lottie Files, Lordicon

We used:

  • Scalable and flexible, suitable for handling large amounts of data.
  • User-friendly environment, making it easy to work with various data types.
  • JSON-like document storage allows for efficient data management.
  • Fun animation, design elements to choose from

Challenges Faced

  • Figuring out the new technologies we hadn't had experience with before and learning how to work them along with other elements was tricky at the start.
  • Sorting compatibility issues out with certain aspects of the new technologies with android and IOS when using react-native.
  • Dealing with merging conflicts with Github when working as a wider team for the first time.

On a whole we feel incredibly proud of this project and how it has turned out. We feel we have learned a lot in the building of a functional app and feel the benefits of using technologies that we haven't seen before. It has broadened our horizon and our knowledge of what is accessible to us. Through this project we have developed our team working skills, by having this experience in a wider team dynamic, in terms of organisation and communication.