The Bee TeampresentPrepMaster

PrepMaster Demo Video
Prep for the win
Our app is a meal plan generator. It is a hub to find recipes, add those hand-picked recipes to a plan and/or generate a plan and a shopping list accordingly. The user can find reference of the plan across multiple pages and build it via the generator. The user can track their macros and calories for a given day and view the meals they have cooked via a progress bar.
The Team
Bryan Rafosala
Esme France
Joshua Raftery
Prosper Opaogun

We used: mongoDB, mongoose, node.js, next.js, tailwindCSS and daisyUI
We chose this tech-stack to expand our skill-sets. MongoDB is a very commonly used database language in the real world, plus there was some familiarity with it being stored in object notation. Next.js offered superior performance with server-side rendering and static site generation whilst using much of the same syntax as react. Tailwind and DaisyUI offered consistent UI and alleviated extra time for implementing features.
Challenges Faced
Our main challenges were managing large data volumes and ensuring consistent app performance across different devices. Also, as previously mentioned we had to embrace new technologies with no prior experience.