Team Component CrewpresentShopAround

ShopAround Demo Video
Find Bargains With ShopAround
ShopAround is designed to help users to save money by showing the cheapest deals for specific items in their area. Users report how much they paid for products and where they bought them from. This information is stored and visualised on an interactive map, allowing other users to find the shop which is selling their desired item for the lowest price.
The Team
Joe Mosley
Anees Mangi
Mika Gawin
Shaun Rainey
Christian Mizero

We used: Javascript, Python, Django, Pytest, Postgres/PostGIS, React Native, Expo
Python/Django was chosen for the backend in order to provide a new challenge to the group, as we had not used them before. Pytest was deemed to be the most appropriate testing package for testing Python endpoints. PostGIS was used for the database to help with the handling of geographical data. React Native was chosen for the app design, as it allows easy deployment onto ios and android devices. Javascript was chosen as the front end scripting language, as the group already had some familiarity with it and it integrated well with React Native. Expo was used for visualising the app during development.
Challenges Faced
Although it made the creation of some of the endpoints faster, Django had a steep learning curve so it was a challenge to learn how to use this in the short amount of time available. Integrating maps into the front end was also a challenge, as the maps needed to be re rendered according to the data entered in the forms.