Team ReJam

spokes Demo Video

spokes Demo Video

social cycling and riding app

Spokes is an app for cyclist to find, match and communicate with other cyclists. We chose this idea because we wanted to practice implementing social features such as adding and accepting friends and messaging. The user will start by creating an account using an email and password, they are then taken to a ‘create profile’ page where they can further personalise their account. Next, the user is taken to a users list which can be filtered by location, age, level of difficulty, type of biking and distance. Users can also send and accept friend requests from other users. Once users are matched, they are able to use the chat feature. Lastly, users are able to to view their own account, edit their details, and delete their account.

The Team

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  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image



Technologies section imagePreview: Technologies section image

We used: Firebase, Firebase auth, Firestore, React Native, Expo, Postgres SQL, Express, Axios, Tailwind, Townsapi

React Native
we wanted to create an app that would support ios and android platforms
this allowed us to develop with expo , which shows us realtime updates with our code on an actual device.

Firebase Auth
We wanted a secure way for our users to sign in and sign up so we decided to use firebase's authentication features, as it allowed us to authenticate our users when they sign in or sign up.

in order to use realtime messaging in our app we used firestore to enable
realtime updates when users chat with each other.

For our database we used: Postgres SQL & Elephant
which we hosted on render
To allow us to use relational databases to manage the relationships between users;
sending and receiving friend requests,
managing friendlists,
displaying users based on relationships

We used tailwind so we could have full control on how we wanted the app to look as well as helping us maintain consistent styling across the whole app.

Used axios to streamline our api requests

This gave us access to towns and cities across the uk