Team Splitface

Tatooine Demo Video

Tatooine Demo Video

Meet the best tattoo artists near you

How do you find a tattoo artist? Perhaps you do a tedious search across existing social media platforms, or you ask people you know. They may know someone who knows someone who knows someone.


We thought there could be a more efficient way to find tattoo artists near you. Our solution was to create that platform.

It requires tattoo artists to sign up and post pictures of their work. For simplicity, people looking for artists do not need to signup, but it means they cannot make contributions to the app; they can only consume the information visually.

Anyone who is interested in a particular work will then click on it to view the profile of the artist, where their contact (work email) and location are visible. The user could also view other posts by the same artist right on the profile page of the artist.

Meanwhile, tattoo artists can make as many new posts as they would like to, and they can edit or delete an existing post. They can also edit or delete their accounts.

The Team

  • Student did not provide a photoPreview: Student did not provide a photo

    Scott Stirling

  • Student did not provide a photoPreview: Student did not provide a photo

    Jackson MacDonald

  • Student did not provide a photoPreview: Student did not provide a photo

    Ion Tacu

  • Student did not provide a photoPreview: Student did not provide a photo

    Israel Peters


Spring Boot, PostGreSQL, Docker, Cloudinary, Elastic BeanstalkPreview: Spring Boot, PostGreSQL, Docker, Cloudinary, Elastic Beanstalk

We Used: Backend: Spring Boot, Postgres database, AWS RDS and Elastic Beanstalk, Docker. Frontend: Retrofit, Cloudinary, Glide

Spring Boot was selected for its ease of use and management of configuration. A Postgres database, AWS RDS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and Docker were used for their wide popularity and reliability.

Cloudinary was selected for its relative affordability and image manipulation capabilities. Retrofit and Glide were used because of their seamless integration with Android.

Challenges Faced

The major challenge we faced was in the frontend implementation of the MVP, particularly in accurately monitoring the states of key objects in the app flow. We also had a few issues with implementing the maps functionality.