Team Error 451presentThe Siren's Wrath

Sirens Wrath Demo Video
Set sail for an adventure on the high seas!
The Siren's Wrath is a multiplayer, browser-based game in which players are given the task of uncovering the saboteur within their crew.
Our aim with this project was to create a collaborative game where friends can work together in real-time and test their deductive reasoning skills against the backdrop of an engaging pirate scene.
Players join rooms in which they are assigned their role (saboteur, or crewmate) and take it in turns to draw/guess a picture from a prompt of pirate-related words. While the crew aims to complete these tasks successfully, the saboteur (or Siren's Thrall) attempts to sabotage their efforts.
The Team
Daniel Arvatu

We used: ReactJS, Python Flask, SocketIO
ReactJS allowed us to create a responsive user interface. We used Python Flask as a back-end framework because it was new to our team and we used it as a learning experience. SocketIO allowed real-time communication between the server and the clients, and was also cross-language compatible (with the right packages) meaning that our Python Flask server could communicate with a ReactJS client.
Challenges Faced
Our biggest challenge was establishing and utilising a connection between server and client, through the socket libraries.