Team LemurpresentTrendify

Trendify Demo Video
When you don't know what to wear
This is a full-stack wardrobe app for deciding what to wear according to the weather and location of the user. It allows the user to upload the contents of their wardrobe with images, to manage that content, and makes outfit recommendations.
The idea arose from a group brainstorming session: one member of the group pointed out that it is often difficult to remember exactly which clothes you have, and it would be nice to be reminded of clothes you might have forgotten.
After login, the user is presented with three options: 1) to view the contents of their wardrobe 2) to have an outfit suggested based on the weather at a location of their choosing 3) to add an item of clothing to their wardrobe. In the wardrobe view the user can add, remove and filter their clothing items according to type, size, occasion and season. In the outfit view, the user enters their location, and on request the app provides a suggested outfit based on the weather at that location. If the weather is cold, the app might suggest e.g. wearing a coat, whereas in warm weather the app will suggest fewer layers.
The Team
Susan Zheng
Robert Crellin
Bart Bielski
Agnes Robert

We used: Blazor, C#, SQLServer, ASP.NET, Tailwind, Visual Studio, WeatherAPI, Git, GitHub
Industry-standard Microsoft tech stack. We used Tailwind because of the interactive user experience it offers.
Challenges Faced
- Organising merging Git branches into main
- Image handling for upload and download
- DOM manipulation using Blazor
- Blazor / JS interop
We really enjoyed making this app.