Team Katherine present L-Earn

An app where children can earn their pocket money while learning to spell.

This app is aimed at parents who struggle to motivate their children to practise their spelling. It works by the parent inputting how much money their child can earn a week by answering a set amount of questions. The parent can also control the content of the word lists tested. These words are then read aloud to the child and each correct answer increments their reward.

L-Earn Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

L-Earn Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

Team Katherine

Katherine HurstPreview: Katherine Hurst

Katherine Hurst

Syeda KausarPreview: Syeda Kausar

Syeda Kausar

Piotr KusPreview: Piotr Kus

Piotr Kus

Toby WestonPreview: Toby Weston

Toby Weston

Tech Stack

React Native, Node, Jest, PostgreSQL, Express, Axios, Git, Heroku, Scrcpy, React Native, Expo, React Native Text-to-Speech

We used React Native because we knew we wanted to create a mobile app, and we understood it to be an industry standard. We also liked that it could be used to simultaneously develop for Android and iOS. For our backend development, we used PostGresSQL and hosted on Heroku, as we were familiar with the technology stack and knew it would suit our needs.

Tech StackPreview: Tech Stack