Team SmashCoders present Park Me Bike

Now I know where to...

This App is designed to help cyclists find the perfect location to park their bikes. You can view locations within your area to take a break and save your bikes location. Simply tap on a coloured pin and tap the image to save your current location. From here you can select other pins to create a route for you to travel to and from your parked location. The purpose of this app is to make it simple and easy to park up your bike, take a break, grab a drink or a snack. The app aims to reduce barriers people face with getting out and about on their bikes.

parkmeBike Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

parkmeBike Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

Team SmashCoders

BobPreview: Bob


KamiPreview: Kami


JasonPreview: Jason


MelPreview: Mel


AlexPreview: Alex


Tech Stack

We used React Native, Expo, Firebase, JavaScript.

We wanted to make a mobile application that can run on IOS and Android. Firebase/Firestore allows for user authentication and storing of user data. Expo allows us to monitor our development of the app in real time on our mobile devices. JavaScript is a language we have become very familiar with on the Northcoders bootcamp.

Some problems we came across: The limited time to create the app. Some challenges in the planning stage to choose which language to build the app in (we were considering TypeScript). Given more time this would be great to have but felt like the right decision to limit our new tech to achieve a good MVP in the timescale. On reflection these challenges only served to strengthen our team working and achieve a great finished product.

Its been a fantastic experience. Really enjoyable and very rewarding to see what we have achieved.

Tech StackPreview: Tech Stack