fullSnack present Park Life Treasure Hunt

Park Life is a Treasure Hunt app that helps young families discover and appreciate what is around them as they have a fun walk around the park.

Park Life is a Treasure Hunt app that includes park routes of your local parks with waypoints for infant children to find on route on young family days out.

You can choose your park based on location proximity to you and the app uses a map interface where children follow a predetermined route of landmarks. The family then 'Hunts' for these landmarks in the park, either by looking at the image of the landmark or by using the point marked on the map as a guide.

The app shows how 'Hot' or 'Cold' they are in relation to the landmark, using colour and fun messages and distances to relay this. When they get to the waypoint they add an acorn to their collection with the aim to collect all the acorns and receive a park explorer certificate.

Whilst this type of app could appeal to people of any age, we focused on families and particularly children as users of a parent's phone. Users can play the game quickly and easily with minimal instruction. The in-app experience uses appropriate colours, characters, icons, sounds and gamification.

Treasure Hunt Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

Treasure Hunt Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations

Park Life Treasure Hunt

Jiyoung KimPreview: Jiyoung Kim

Jiyoung Kim

Nicola LockwoodPreview: Nicola Lockwood

Nicola Lockwood

Alasdair McWilliamPreview: Alasdair McWilliam

Alasdair McWilliam

Chris StraffordPreview: Chris Strafford

Chris Strafford

Gareth EversonPreview: Gareth Everson

Gareth Everson

Tech Stack

React Native, Expo Go, Google Maps API, BuilderX, Postgres, Husky, Express, Jest

We chose React Native to extend our knowledge of React and its framework.

Expo Go was highly regarded as a test and deployment service for making universal native apps for Android and iOS.

We chose Google Maps as a popular API that we could use to manage location tracking for the treasure hunt game.

BuilderX was a service we discovered in our research that would help us to bring simple but effective designs to life quickly and professionally.

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