Bootcamp Life

Kyra Davis: My Journey to the Cloud

Female software engineer working on code on computerPreview: Female software engineer working on code on computer

So, picture this: I'm in that classic "I don't know what I'm doing with my life" phase. You know, the one where you question everything from who you are to why you're sitting on the couch in your pyjamas at 2 PM on a Tuesday. Yeah, that was me.

Then, in the midst of my existential crisis, TikTok comes to the rescue. Because clearly, the answer to life's big questions is on a social media app known for dance challenges and cat videos. But lo and behold, a video about free coding bootcamps catches my eye. Suddenly, I'm thinking, "Why not? Can coding solve my quarter-life crisis?"

Enter Northcoders. Why did I pick them? Well, first off, they promised to stuff more coding wisdom into 13 weeks than I've picked up in, well…forever.  Who needs a three-year degree when you can transform into a coding wizard faster than it takes to binge-watch a season of Grey's Anatomy? It's like a crash course in tech magic, and I'm here for the express journey to coding brilliance!

Then there's the whole success story thing. I'm a sucker for some LinkedIn stalking, and let me tell you, Northcoders graduates are out there conquering the tech world. It's like joining a secret society of tech superheroes, and I wanted in!

Oh, and let's not forget the pre-course portal. It's like the appetiser before the coding feast. I got a taste of JavaScript and set up my computer like a tech-savvy pro. I mean, who knew I could be a computer whisperer?

Now, why am I calling this the "Journey to the Cloud"? Because it's not just about coding; it's about ascending to the tech heavens, where clouds are fluffy, servers are always friendly, and bugs are the only ones getting squashed. The cloud, my friends, is where dreams (and servers) come true.

So, here I am, trading rejection emails for lines of code, turning my life's playlist from "I have no idea" to "I'm coding my way to glory." The moral of the story? Never underestimate the power of a random scroll on TikTok. Who knew it could lead to a ticket on the express train to the Cloud Nine of the tech world?