The ReactorspresentBorrow my Bike

Borrow My Bike Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations
Re-cycle your cycle
The app aims to let users create accounts to either rent out their own bike when not in use, or to rent another users bike. We realised that between 9-5 many bikes are not being used. The main intended users are workers who cycle in and don't use their bike between 9-5. The people renting the bikes will be anyone in the city who needs a faster mode of transport than walking for a short period of time. The app allows users to create an account, this is then stored in our database, the password is encrypted, and the username has to be unique. The user can then select to either view bikes for rent or post their bike. The view bikes option takes them to a map view which shows a general location of bikes, they can then select a bike, view its information and decide to rent it. To return the bike it gives the user a route back to the start location and then they have to scan a QR code to return it.
The Team
Aidan Murray
Pippa Smith
Lew Pearce
Muhammed Khan
Mohamed Said

We Used React, MongoDB, Express, Node, Jest, Supertest, Passport, Bcryptjs, Mapbox and Mongoose
They allowed us to fufill our MVP in the easiest most flexible way possible. MongoDB provided an easier to use interface and combined with Mongoose was easy to combine with react. Passport and Bcrypt allowed us to login users through encryption and store the hashed password in the database.
Challenges Faced
We wanted to have payment between users, however our chosen implementation method does not allow paying users out money from Non-US based accounts. So this idea had to be curtailed.