The Five

Card-Verse Demo Video

Card-Verse Demo Video

Who would win in a fight, Superman or Peter Griffin?

We wanted to play a card game where we could battle with all of our favourite characters. In this game, you can play a selection of characters from popular culture against an opponent, battle with them, and see who would win!

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Joe Hollands

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Abdi Bashir

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Sadaf Taheri

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Mohamed Mohamed

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Caitlin Cheer


Flutter/Dart, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Express, Jest, SupertestPreview: Flutter/Dart, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Express, Jest, Supertest

We used: Flutter/Dart, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Express, Jest, Supertest, Hosting

Flutter/Dart is a popular front-end framework for creating games, it also gave us a chance to work with object-oriented languages.

TypeScript provides type checking which helps make our code more robust.

Because of how we wanted to store our data, a Relation Database was most appropriate. This is why we chose to work with PostgreSQL.

Challenges Faced

Working with languages that we were unfamiliar with, such as Flutter/Dart and TypeScript was a challenge, but fortunately, as these were popular frameworks, there was plenty of good documentation available online.

Because this was our first large project, as a team we misjudged how much we could get done in the allotted time. We ended up having to cut down our MVP, but are happy with the project we managed to deliver.