Team Spud SquadpresentDishGo

Dishgo Demo Video
Craving a food? Let DishGo find it for you!
DishGo came about because we realised that there was a lack of apps that allowed you to search for a specific dish in the area that you live in or that you're visiting. So this app allows you to search for a dish and then it will locate it for you and give you other options so that you can find the food that you're after.
The Team
Hannah Tinsley McRink
Daniel Gruitt
Claudio Camba
Charlie Tahsin
Simran Amin

We used: Supabase, React Native, typescript, javascript, Node, Jest, Android Studio, ExpoGo, Google APIs, Figma
The team were interested in front end development and creating an app for mobile. Market research influenced our decisions. React Native allowed us to create the style and functionality we wanted. Supabase allowed us to focus on the front end by streamlining the back end for us. We intend to keep our skills up in back end post course.
Challenges Faced
We found Android Studio didn't work well with Ubuntu
Google autocomplete was challenging to use with React Native
There was more of a learning curve than anticipated transitioning to React Native
Asynchronous API calls required a lot of debugging.