Team Six-coders

Sixcoders Demo Video

Sixcoders Demo Video

Test your knowledge, anywhere, anytime!

This app was designed to allow users to make their own revision notes by using flashcards to aid memorisation and factual recall.
It is portable and accessible on any device.
The user will be prompted to login or sign up after which they can navigate to their cards. The bottom navigation bar is only visible once they are logged in.
The cards are organised via topics.
They can add cards to a particular topic from a drop down menu or create a new topic and add cards.
The card has a question and answer component. One side has the question and if they click the card, the card flips to reveal the answer. They can test themselves and click correct or incorrect if they got the question right or wrong. There is also a next and back button so they skip a question or go back to a previous question. The user can see which questions they got correct or incorrect and re test themselves on it.
They can also reset the cards and test themselves all over again.
Finally they can log out and be taken back to the initial signup/login page.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Rashi Yadav

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Andrii T

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Anna Seniuta

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Hanna Sharif

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Jessel Dhokia

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Sergii Golovko


Technologies section imagePreview: Technologies section image

We used: FE: react native, expo, axios, node js . BE: mongoDb, node, express, jest, supertest, Cors, typescript

React native so we could use it as as an app and to build on knowledge from react. MongoDB as we didn’t need the data to be relational and it would be easier to add further information to the backend at a later date rather than using PSQL

Challenges Faced

Difficulty with communication at times due to language barriers. 3 of the team members were not native English speakers.
Also getting to grips with the new technology, especially mongoDB. At times our testing suite would fail at random and the connection to the database would be lost, this was due to asynchronous activity.