Project team 6
presentGet Gramming

Get Gramming Demo Video

Get Gramming Demo Video

Share and explore restaurant around the world, perfect for instagram-worthy moments

At the beginning, it is a reporting crime app but considering the security risk, we change to restaurant recommendation for insta app. We want user to be able to suggest restaurants and see the map at the same time for more convenient user experience. User Registration/Login: New users can register or existing users can log in on the app's first page.
Home Page: Displays a list of restaurant recommendations. Users can search for restaurants by city or cuisine type. Each listing includes the restaurant's name, description, address, and location on Google Maps.
Adding Recommendations: Signed-in users can post their own recommendations by completing a form.
Managing Recommendations: Users can edit or delete their recommendations from their profile page.
Logout: Users can log out via the logout button.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Kelly Sum Yin Shek

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Mingfei Wang

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Chaitali Desale


Technologies section imagePreview: Technologies section image

We used: JavaScript, react, css, axios, react-bootstrap, express.js, firebase, cors, C#, Entity Framework, BCrypt, JwtBearer, Newtonsoft JSON, progreSQL,

We use C# because we will be using it when we join KPMG team. We use firebase to save uploaded photo in database. And BCrypt and JWTBearer for authentication.

Challenges Faced

Yes, three people is quite a small group to finish tasks within a short time frame.