D-R-E-A-M teampresentGoTrail

GoTrail Demo Video
Step Into Adventure
Our app is aimed at encouraging people to go out and explore their local area, to discover hidden routes and trails. The experience will be enhanced and gamified by allowing the user to create a Trailblazer pet, that grows and evolves based on the amount of activity a user logs.
Users are introduced to a home page with tips, suggested trails. Further functionality includes searching, viewing and undertaking trails as well as nurturing your own pet TrailBlazer!
Users can:
Sign up and create a user profile
View trails in their local area
Add and view reviews for trails
View trail advice and suggested trails
View the weather at the trail location
Filter trails by difficulty
Start a trail, with GPS tracking of their progress through the trail
Gamify their experience by gaining experience points to level up & evolve a trail companion (TrailBlazer with custom assets)
The Team
Danilo Piga
Ram Shrestha
Eleanor Reece Frank
Amy Fisher
Michelle Bagot

We used: Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Firestore
Because you told us that we couldn't use ReactNative! and Eleanor loves pain apparently!
Challenges Faced
Flutter, Dart - Learning a new language was difficult and a very steep uphill climb!