Team Code CrusaderspresentHome Maintenance

Home Maintenance Demo Video
Bringing householders and service providers together
We settled on the Home Maintenance app concept by casting a team vote after presenting all of our initial ideas to one another. We then voted on what we wanted to offer in terms of functionality. The app is designed to allow householders to post jobs that they need doing around their home, such as cleaning, gardening, or repairs. Local service providers can then bid on these jobs and the householder chooses which service provider they would like to do the job. We included map functionality to let users easily search their local area for the services they need, and added a real time messaging option and a booking form so that householders could easily chat to service providers and quickly book jobs on convenient dates and times. We also added a review method so that service providers are held to the highest standards, and the best should be rewarded with more opportunities.
The Team
Jonny Farmer
Umer Naseer
Jonathan Coimbra
Danilo De Souza
Matthew King
Yunus Iqbal

We used: React Native, Firebase, Expo Go, Node.js
We wanted to test ourselves by using tech that we hadn't used before, and we also wanted to build a mobile app for the first time, rather than building another web app. After extensive research on a number of different technologies, we decided upon using Firebase for our back-end database, and because it allows the hosting of mobile apps. It is also compatible with React Native, which we used for our front-end and styling. Expo Go allowed us to simulate our app in a test environment to view the developmental process in real time across the entire team.
Challenges Faced
The most difficult challenges we faced were researching and learning how to use our new tech stack, and also managing all of the different team roles and requirements to build a mobile app using new tech for the first time.