Team arcadia-synergistic-cloud-based-ai-driven-data-analytic-cybersecurity-solutionspresentLate Plate

Late Plate Demo Video
Book a restaurant quick!
Our mobile app allows a user to quickly find a nearby restaurant, check availability and book a table there. Our corresponding website allows the staff at the restaurant to view bookings on a timeline, add their own bookings and manage their restaurant profile. We got the idea as we perceived a gap in the market for making short-term bookings.
The Team
Xander Waring
Perry Cole
Jack Hansjee
Jayson Chiu
Alfarooq Almenghawi
Qais Deen

We used: React, Supabase, React Native, Expo, Tailwind
React and react native are widely used for websites and mobile apps respectively and we wanted to deepen our experience with react. Supabase allowed for real-time updates, native user authorization and making queries from the front end, allowing us to focus on building our extensive front end without worrying about making an API.
Challenges Faced
Managing the various interactions with the database such as checking table availability at different times and real-time updates were a challenge to implement and more difficult than we first anticipated.