Team MusiCALpresentMusiCAL

MusiCAL Demo Video
Discover events that match your soundtrack
MusiCAL offers users the ability to view tailored event recommendations based on the music you listen to the most. With user information taken from Spotify, MusiCAL finds events on TicketMaster which are being played by your favourite artists, then displays those events on a calendar. As well as the calendar, MusiCAL shows you a page of festival recommendations tailored to your most listened to genres, subgenres and artists. Finally, our FestiCAL feature provides you with popular festival line-up posters which have been populated with your top artists, giving you a glimpse of what your dream line-up could be. We decided on our app idea when we realised we had all missed events in the past which we might have gone to, simply because we didn’t know they were happening. MusiCAL informs users about events they are most likely to want to attend, preventing them from missing out.
The Team
Lewis Birch
Layla Broadhead
Daniel Atherton
Adam Stansfield
Jonathan Tromp

We used: Flutter, Dart, Firebase
After spiking, we discovered that Flutter/Dart could be used to develop on multiple platforms simultaneously; we decided that this provided opportunities to best highlight the strengths of our app.
We decided to use Firebase due to its ease of use, and fast rendering speed. It also allowed us to easily manage, add, and delete data.
Challenges Faced
Learning new programming languages like Dart and learning how to develop for mobile rather than browser was our main challenge. Using documentation and tutorials we were able to utilise these technologies.