Team ABCs

Northchess Demo Video

Northchess Demo Video

Don't play dart, play chess

We wanted to undertake a project that was both challenging and required a tech stack we had not used before. Ultimately, Chris proposed the idea of a chess game with variants, and the entire team was enthusiastic about it. Special thanks to Edd, our tutor at Northcoders, who encouraged us to push beyond our comfort zones. As a result, we decided to develop the game using Flutter and Dart. The experience was incredible, full of challenges, and we are proud to have learnt enough Dart and Flutter to build this game within two weeks. Flutter truly delivered on its promise; with a single codebase, we can now deploy the game across all platforms — web, desktop, and mobile.

The Team

  • Ahmad MustaffarPreview: Ahmad Mustaffar

    Ahmad Mustaffar

  • Baber KhanPreview: Baber Khan

    Baber Khan

  • Chris LoachPreview: Chris Loach

    Chris Loach

  • Svitlana HorodylovaPreview: Svitlana Horodylova

    Svitlana Horodylova


Flutter, Dart, WebSocketPreview: Flutter, Dart, WebSocket

We used: Flutter, Dart, WebSocket, Git, GitHub

We wanted to play chess with our friends, but we all use different platforms. We chose Flutter for Northchess because it allows for cross-platform development in the most efficient way possible.

Challenges Faced

We faced several challenges, including the time required to learn Dart and the difficulty in selecting the most suitable Widgets in Flutter. Adjusting to object-oriented programming (OOP) was also challenging, as we were more accustomed to functional programming. Additionally, our lack of prior experience with Flutter, Dart and web sockets made it difficult to plan the game development from the outset.