Team OurFlicks

OurFlicks Demo Video

OurFlicks Demo Video

OurFlicks, save time for popcorn.

The problem your app solves or the opportunity it addresses.
Indecisiveness when trying to find a movie to watch
Categorise/ organise your movies by whatever category you want
Share, recommend and leave notes about movies within friends
Creating a community

User stories that describe how your app will meet user needs.
As a user I can:
Create an account
User can sign in
Search for movies and filter the search
Create a custom list of movies with notes
Edit a movie list that I have created.

The Team

  • EmirPreview: Emir


  • MehdyPreview: Mehdy


  • MyaPreview: Mya


  • AhmmadPreview: Ahmmad


  • JenniferPreview: Jennifer



Tech Stack LogosPreview: Tech Stack Logos

We used: React Native, JWT, Node JS, CSS, Expo, PostgreSQL

React Native: Allows for building cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase, saving time and resources while delivering a native-like user experience.
JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Offers secure and efficient authentication, enabling stateless, scalable user sessions for mobile or web applications.
Node.js: A fast, lightweight, and scalable backend runtime that handles asynchronous operations efficiently, ideal for real-time applications.
CSS: Provides flexibility and control for styling the user interface, ensuring an appealing and responsive design.
Expo: Simplifies React Native app development with tools, libraries, and services, reducing the complexity of deploying and testing mobile apps.
PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source relational database known for its reliability, scalability, and support for complex queries and advanced features.

Together, this stack ensures cross-platform compatibility, secure user authentication, efficient backend performance, and robust data management, making it ideal for building full-featured mobile or web apps.

Challenges Faced

Faced challenges on the authenitcation, styling and ios/web compatibility.