Harry's Angels

Ovaload Demo Video

Ovaload Demo Video

Progressive overload done properly

After conducting market research into how people log their progress in the gym (resistance and cardio) we found most people write manually on their notes. app is essentially a fitness tracker with a focus on progressive overload. With Ovaload users can log the weight, sets and reps during their resistance training workout or distance and time during their cardio workout.

The app will suggest "challenges" which increases the weight, reps or amount of sets for the next workout which is based on your history of logged workouts by each individual exercise.

Users can view stats of their progression by each exercise via line charts and will also be able to add friends and compare stats on a leader-board which is calculated by amount of "challenges" completed. We've also included a AI chat-bot with our mascot for added motivation and to help decide on the level of difficulty for the challenges set.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Harry Watts

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Angela Boo

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Laurie Clifton

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Rahaf Machaal


Logos of Expo, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, React and NodeJSPreview: Logos of Expo, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, React and NodeJS

We used: MongoDB (Mongoose), React Native (Expo), JS (Express, Node)

MongoDB is a non relation database so it makes it a lot more viable for users who are adding custom exercises, each user will be different. React Native because we wanted to make a mobile app and the component libraries that you can use looked really attractive. We used JS because we are fairly comfortable with it and we’re using two other new pieces of tech that required a lot of time and attention.

Challenges Faced

Our biggest struggle was hosting MongoDB with Atlas and then connecting it to Render. We spent way too much time on this and really hindered our progress, however we overcame it eventually!