
Parentify Demo Video

Parentify Demo Video

Duolingo for first time parents

Parentify is an app that aims to help new parents learn and explore the journey of parenthood together by breaking down expert advice so you can rest easy learning the basics of parenthood. When brainstorming categories we were passionate about or the areas we would like to secure a job in, such as education and childcare, the idea of Parentify was born. One of our team members and their partner are actually our target audience for this app, so it was a really solid direction to go. The user experience was the drive for our plan as we didn't want to over saturated an already over-saturated market. Parents would expect to find a personalised onboarding experience, structured learning modules, progress tree, community features, and a reputable resource library.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Daniel Williams

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Caio Whitmore

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Sophie Price

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Jasmine Harold

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Ellie Stapley


Logos of React, NextJS, TypeScript, MongoDB, Tailwind, Motion and ChakraPreview: Logos of React, NextJS, TypeScript, MongoDB, Tailwind, Motion and Chakra

We used: MongoDb, Next.js, NextAuth, Typescript, Chakra Ui, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, BCrypt, React

All of our challenges stemmed from the tech stack we chose, trying to establish a connection with MongoDB without using mongoose was our first blocker, and every resource we looked at was in javascript not typescript. On the very last day an hour before coding time was over we had resolved a merge conflict from a branch and merged it on GitHub and it broke a major feature in our app, so we all worked over lunch to fix it.