Team Fantastic PhorpresentPix Pursuit

Pix Pursuit Demo Video
Picture hunting mobile app
A mobile app designed to get users exploring their local areas by chasing pursuits hosted by other users. After being authenticated, users can choose to partake in 1 of 2 core features, chasing a Pursuit, or hosting a pursuit. When a user chooses a Pursuit to chase they are given an image and a map that gives clues to the location of the correct destination. The map will contain directions and a 'Pursuit zone' radius which increases in size with difficulty. When a user thinks they have found the correct location they can confirm their attempt and possibly gain points depending on their placement, or be told to try again. Alternatively, users can host a pursuit that will go active for all others users to chase, this involves opening the phone camera, creating a title, and selecting a difficulty. You will then be able to keep track of users who were successful on your Pursuit via the mini-leaderboard. Pursuits last 24 hours and then will go inactive, if you have an inactive pursuit selected you will be instructed to choose another. Leaderboards are included to track the highest overall scorers.
The Team
Ryan Fox
Will Phisher
Patrick Davies
Kyle Wearing

We used: React Native, express, expo, aws s3, JavaScript, Google Maps API
During a rigorous spiking period, our research concluded that these were the best technologies for our app given the time constraint and small team. We wanted to maximise our time using React Native so stuck to a familiar back end that we have learned throughout the bootcamp. This allowed us to use the front end as the focal point for new technologies.
Challenges Faced
Problematic coordinates regarding tracking users and pursuit zones. Steep learning curve for react native that took up most of our time during development. Had to improvise by introducing AWS S3 bucket to store images, as our original PSQL database wasn't suitable for this.