Team Always Serving Code
presentReel Insight

Reel Insight Demo Video

Reel Insight Demo Video

Find Your Statisfaction

Reel insight is a personalised statistics based service that allows users to update recently watched films to discover stats about themselves based upon viewing habits.

The site is designed as a mobile first site, with (something abut accessibility).
Users have the option to log in, view their film history, and view a range of stats that are dynamically updated each time they add a new film.
Users also have the option to remove films they have added by accident (or no longer wish to render), this in turn updates the users stats page.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Lucy Shaw

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Ellie Harrington

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Kristina Skolota

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image

    Kimberley Lee


Logos of Netlify, React, Express, MongoDB and TypeScriptPreview: Logos of Netlify, React, Express, MongoDB and TypeScript

We used: TypseScript, MongoDB, React, Render, Netlify, Express

TypeScript is a new language we wanted to try as it is dependable and easier for collaborative working with easy to understand syntax. MongoDB is a non relational database that worked best for our user based model initially. React was a good choice for us as we felt it was important to have the option to render the app in a web browser as well as it being a mobile first design.

Challenges Faced

We had some challenges with compatibility and integrating all the technology. TypeScript was difficult at times, as some of the errors were hard to understand initially.