Team 1 for the code, 2 for the roadpresent

reMOTe Demo Video | Northcoders Project Presentations
Removing the stress from car services
reMOTe allows users to sign in and book car services from local technicians. It also allows technicians to sign in and display any services they can provide. We created it to provide technicians a place to connect with new clients, and to allow users peace of mind when their car needs fixing.
The Team
Jack Glossop
Sana Gubari
Karim Abdelghany
Lewis Botcherby
Blessing Uche

We used: Express, MongoDB Atlas, Jest, PassportJS, Bootstrap, Vue.js, Axios
To gain experience using and integrating other tech into our project.
Challenges Faced
Learning each new bit of tech and how to interface it with our other ones was hard, also learning the fundamentals of MongoDB, as it isn't a relational database like SQL was difficult.