Team RYMP Cloud Engineering Projectpresent

RYMP Cloud Engineering Project
Learning Management System Deployment Project
This project included the deployment of a full-stack application combining a React frontend and Java backend using technologies like AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, CircleCI, RDS and many more. Our team used DevOps principles and CI/CD pipelines to create a scalable infrastructure that anybody can set up and use.
The Team
Mark Vinton
Yulia McCallum
Adejubu Praise
Roses Ita Enang

We used: AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, CircleCI, Grafana, Prometheus, Postgres, Cloudwatch
We believed all these technologies were intuitive and provided all the things we needed to complete our project, we also tried to keep as much of our project on AWS hence the choice for our new technology to be cloud watch.
Challenges Faced
Version Control on Github fixed by having one person having the infrastructure up and running and updating their infrastructure and asking them about results.