Team Tetriplan

Tetriplan  Demo Video

Tetriplan Demo Video

Making The Most Of Your Time

Tetriplan is a time blocking and time management app. It allows users to add tasks, categorise them, set priority levels, date and times. Tetriplan offers some AI assistance to prompt users to add tasks that are regularly completed. Tetriplan also offers analytics based on how long users dedicate time to certain tasks, categories, and priorities.

The Team

  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image


  • Team member imagePreview: Team member image



Logos of Angular, Firebase, Mongoose, Chart.js, express, mongoDB ad TensorflowPreview: Logos of Angular, Firebase, Mongoose, Chart.js, express, mongoDB ad Tensorflow

We used: Angular, Tensorflow, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Firebase, Charts.js
To test our abilities to use libraries and frameworks we were unfamiliar with at first. These seemed like perfect components to build Tetriplan.

Challenges Faced

Learning curve for various technologies. Implementation of AI models.