The Beekeepers' Projectpresent

Beekeepers Demo Video
A hive of activity
In summary the purpose of this project was to create and develop a data platorm that
performs three main tasks, data extraction, data manipulation and storing data in a data warehouse.
The Team
Andy Waterhouse
James Leventis
Yilmaz Akdal
Uros Mirkoic
Demetra Pittakara
Simon Pollock

We used: AWS, Terraform, Python, Pytest, PostgreSQL, AWS Quicksight, DBeaver, GitHub Actions
These technologies are chosen for their capabilities in building, testing, deploying, and managing applications efficiently and effectively within the context of cloud-based development and data analytics.
Challenges Faced
Deciding best lambda deployment method, problems accessing the database via the AWS system, deciding on which libraries to to use throughout the project.