The Mega ByterspresentTouchGrass

TouchGrass Demo Video
Go out and touch some grass!
The user experience is centered around getting out of the house, finding new locations to visit and breathing some fresh air! Three trophies are located on your map, within 5 km from your home, you gain points for visiting these locations, and picking up the trophies. We came up with the idea after we had all been sat in front of our computers for three months, we felt like we needed to get out the house some more.
The Team
Chi Li
Guy Mander
Lewis Webster
Qasim Mumtaz
Rikki Day

We used: React Native, Expo, Viro, Firebase, Geoapify, Google Maps
We were very eager to explore new front end technologies and thought AR was an exciting concept to develop with.
Challenges Faced
It was very difficult to set up development environments and get a database with working user authentication.