Team project-phase-2024presentTravelSync

TravelSync Demo Video
Travelling made easy
We wanted to create an app that we would actually use and an itinerary planner seemed to meet that criteria. Its a collaborative itinerary planner and editor where group members can add and reorder their tourist checklist as well as additional functionality such as uploading files like plane tickets and hotel bookings.
The Team
Muhammad Hammad
Brad Heath
Dudley Spence
Mahdi Hasan

We used: Python, SQLAlchemy, FastAPI, MySQL, React, Mapbox
Python was used for the backend just to try something new and challenge ourselves. FastAPI is an API development framework that works with python. SQLALchemy integrates python code with SQL database manipulation and MySQL was used to create a database. React was used for the frontend along with mapbox for map interactivity.
Challenges Faced
One particular challenge was connecting the MySQL database to our python code which was an issue caused by WSL. This issue in particular took the longest to figure out.