
Wildsight Demo Video
Discover nature one snap at a time
After we all initially presented a wide variety of ideas, we agreed that our passion for the environment; our desire to learn how to develop a mobile app; and an interest in AI led us to WildSight. Combining elements from all our ideas, we designed an experience that allows a you to identify plants and discover the wildlife of our planet.
Wildsight's integrated AI quickly analyses your photo and recommends likely species for you to choose from, giving you confidence in identifying your discovery. You can then save the sighting to your personal collection, explore a dynamic heatmap that highlights where you've made discoveries, and even see individual sightings from other users globally. Selecting a sighting provides useful information and facts; and with over 200 million sightings, the fun never stops! For avid spotters, you can sign up to view and favourite your personal sightings interactively on the map and review our guidance on how to safely enjoy our app as well as their local environment.
The Team
Mayowa Olufeko
Hannah Chapman
Dan Olver
Jared Harrison
Millicent Bowers

We used: React Native, Express, NodeJs, Javascript, Typescript, PosgreSQL, Expo, Google Maps API, Apple Maps API, Axios, Jest, SuperTest, PlanetAI API, iNaturalist API
We chose these technologies as we felt it was a good blend between pushing ourselves by learning new technologies, our interest in AI, and implementing our previous knowledge into a mobile application able to work on both IOS and Android devices.
Challenges Faced
The main challenges we faced were around the coordinating and structuring of our tickets and stand ups.