Graduate Stories
Apprentice to Software Developer

Front End Developer at Ropto
In just 3 months, I’ve learnt more than in a whole year on my own. I’m one of those people who always thought I was not smart enough to code, I imagined I needed to be a super genius to make things happen using the magic code, but Northcoders changed that.
I imagined I need to be a super genius to make things happen using the magic code, but Northcoders changed that
From week 1 we started with the fundamentals of software engineering, learned how to think as an engineer and solve complex problems. We then moved to front end and back end development, learning to work with the latest technologies and programming methodologies.
I’ve enjoyed every single lecture but the core of the course is a hands-on approach. Most of the time, we were building applications and solving problems with guidance from the tutors and teachers and I think this is the most important part.
By the end of the course I have gained more than just knowledge, but also a lot of practical coding experience by building exciting projects, pair-programming and working in a team.
All of that combined with a lot of guidance and support after finishing the course like help tailoring a good CV and advice on job applications, fun socials and just good atmosphere makes my time with Northcoders one of the most valuable life experiences I’ve had so far.