Read our graduates' stories and see what our partners say about us.
Graduate Stories
Graduate to Product Analyst
My favourite part of the course was NC-help. The tutors are so clear and helpful.
Freelance Musician to Associate Developer
The experience I had at Northcoders made such a massive difference and - I feel - really prepared me for the profession.
Graphic Designer to Full Stack Developer
If you want to give yourself the best possible chance to succeed, you can’t do better than Northcoders.
From the Music Industry to Software Developer
Learning to code has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. It's much more creative than people realise and can be incredibly fun! I would encourage anyone with even a passing interest to give it a go.
From Hospitality Industry Worker to Junior Developer
The course was really helpful in preparing me for finding work as I was provided with a lot of information about what I should be prepared for when starting the job search after finishing the course.
From Sports Analyst to Software Engineer
If you learn a few of the basics and enjoy it, take the leap and apply to Northcoders!
From Musician to Graduate Software Engineer
How did you find your time on the bootcamp?
From Secondary School Teacher to Graduate Software Engineer
The curriculum was really well-designed and thorough, and even though we work at a rather fast pace, I never felt overwhelmed or lost at any point.
From Stage Manager to Associate Developer
Absolutely give it a try! I started with some easy online resources and really enjoyed it so I just kept going.