Graduate Stories

Secretary to Software Developer

Claire FarrowPreview: Claire Farrow

How did you find your time on the bootcamp?

My time at Northcoders was great. The lessons were well delivered, the sprints and pair programming meant that I learnt a lot in a short space of time. The course covered a lot of topics to allow for full stake development.

What were you doing before the Bootcamp?

I was a secretary previously, I wanted to get into coding but couldn't do a three-year computer science degree so Northcoders was the perfect opportunity.

What was the support like on the course?

The mentors were all really good. Whenever we reached out for help they were there to point us in the right direction and the lessons were really good.

How much support did you receive from Northcoders with your job search after the course?

The advice on building CVs and cover letters was great, this really helped me get a good cv together and I got a job shortly after graduating

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about applying?

Its definitely worth it, just give it a go!